Quick! Grab a Bible and flip it open to a page—any page.
Here’s what you’ll find: God shows up and is with His people. He’s been at it since He first placed people on this planet, and He’s not about to stop. The Bible you’re holding is one way God still shows up to be with His people!
Today we’ll GET INTO the book of Ruth and see what happened when a redeemer showed up for Ruth and Naomi. After the video, we’ll TALK IT UP and ACT IT OUT, discovering that God is a Redeemer who shows up and is with His people—including us!
Now it’s showtime! Watch “Ruth’s Redeemer.” You’ll laugh, you’ll cry—it may change your life!
Today’s video paints a wonderful picture of what can happen when a redeemer shows up to help someone. Use these questions to TALK IT UP and dig into what God’s Word tells us about God showing up to be with us.
Pick 1 (or more) of these activities and put into action what you learned in TALK IT UP.
One of the first rules for proving your love to someone is this: You show up. In person, on the phone, via text or e-mail, even sending a letter. When you care, you’re there—or as close to there as you can be.
God shows up and is with His people in so many ways—through the Bible, through the Holy Spirit, by engaging with us in prayer.
Do this: Have everyone stand and form a circle. Ask them to then turn so their backs are toward the center of the circle; then they should back up until everyone can link arms with his or her neighbor.
Invite volunteers to share sentence prayers aloud, thanking God for being in their lives. Then ask everyone to turn and again link arms—but this time facing the center of the circle so they can see each other. Then invite volunteers to pray, thanking God for being with them through the presence and encouragement of other people who know God.
Finish with a hearty, “In Jesus’ name. Amen.” And a round of high fives!
Many, many people feel alone. Even though they have a half-zillion online “friends,” there’s no deep connection—just loneliness. Here are ways you can show up for people and help them feel connected to the God who loves them and is eager to be with them.
To allow our staff to fully celebrate the Christmas season with family and friends, the David C Cook offices will be closed beginning end of business day on Tuesday, December 24th and reopening on Thursday, January 2nd. All orders received after December 19th will begin shipping after we reopen on January 2nd, 2025.