EPISODE 02: Jesus Brings The New Covenant
Unit 03: Jesus Reigns
Matthew 26:17-35; Luke 22:7-13; John13:1–14:16



: a pledge; a binding agreement between two parties

Old covenants. New covenants. It all begins to sound a bit complicated and boring. But the truth is that shifting from the old to the new was a shift toward new life in Jesus. And it took nothing less than Jesus dying on a cross and then rising from the dead to make that happen.

Today we’ll GET INTO the Lord’s Supper—Jesus’ last Passover meal on earth. After the video, we’ll TALK IT UP and ACT IT OUT, exploring how we’re a part of the new covenant Jesus described at that Passover meal—and what that means for us.

So get comfortable and watch “The Lord’s Supper.” It’s a meal you’ll never forget!

In today’s video, Jesus shares with His disciples—and us—a new covenant. Use these questions to TALK IT UP and dig into what Jesus tells us about that covenant through God’s Word:

  • The disciples thought they knew what to expect at this meal because they’d attended Passover meals before. Where in this account do you see the disciples being surprised?
  • We’re talking about a covenant, an agreement with God. The new covenant is about Jesus dying for our sins. Sacrificing animals to obtain forgiveness for sin is no longer needed. Where in this meal do you see Jesus helping His disciples understand that?
  • When Jesus washes His disciples’ feet, why do you think Peter resisted? Why did Jesus insist on doing it?
  • Passover was usually a family celebration and at least some of the disciples had families. Why do you think Jesus chose to have His disciples celebrate this Passover together with Him rather than at home with their families?
  • At first glance, who reminds you most of yourself at this meal: Peter, Judas, or someone else in the story? Why?


The fact that Jesus establishes a way for His followers to remember the new covenant and what He did for us on the cross shows just how well He knows us. We’re creatures who are easily distracted and quick to forget.

Missed birthday greetings, overlooked dentist appointments, school papers ignored until the night before they’re due. We all have those stories. So Jesus takes something common—eating and drinking—and links it to an event that should be unforgettable.

At that Passover meal, Jesus set into motion a series of events that ends with His death and resurrection. The results? A new covenant with God. Jesus pays for our sins and makes a way for us to have eternal life with Him.

You might think something that spectacular would never be far from our minds, but it’s easy to lose focus. As we hurry through our days and weeks, we forget. Not until something snags our attention, do we recall what Jesus has done—and is doing?

Let’s create a few attention snaggers to jog our memories! Do 1 (or more) of the following:

  • The next time you eat and drink, pause to thank God for the new covenant that offers you forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus. It’s OK if you mention you appreciate the mac and cheese too.
  • Make a list of the fast-food restaurants you pass on the way to a store, park, or school. Ask God to make himself known to all the diners who visit those places today. Volunteer to tell people about the Lord’s Supper and the new covenant if God puts people in your life who need to hear what Jesus has done for them.
  • At your next meal, pull up an extra chair and explain to the other diners that it’s a spot for Jesus. Ask people to share what they’d say to Him if He were physically sitting in the chair. Then tell them what He said at that Passover meal in Jerusalem.
  • Add grape juice and bread to the family grocery list. By yourself or with others, take a few minutes to sit and think about Jesus. Then have a bit of bread and a cup of juice.
  • Explore how having something memorable can help you recall important events and people. Participate now in Story Starter.
These questions will help you connect the Bible story to your own lives. Use all the questions or pick 1 or 2—it’s up to you!
  • A covenant is a promise that must be kept. There’s no backing out, no changing the deal. God has made a covenant to forgive you through Jesus. What’s a promise you’ve made to God or someone else that you will never break, no matter what?
  • A covenant is an agreement. Who do you think received the biggest benefit from the new covenant—us or God? Why do you answer as you do?
  • The Lord’s Supper is a celebration of God’s love for us. If you were to create a celebration of your love for God, what foods would you use as symbols of that love?
  • Jesus tells His disciples to love one another the way He loves them. What are 3 words you think describe how Jesus loved them? How about 3 words that describe how He loves you?
  • Given what you’ve heard in this episode, how do you feel about the Lord’s Supper and the new covenant? What would you say to Jesus about those things? And here’s an idea: Tell Him that right now!

Not that we were there to check the furniture, but it’s likely the table Jesus and His disciples gathered around in the upper room wasn’t like the one in your kitchen or dining room. It was probably a long, low table that people sat around either seated on cushions or lying on their left side, leaning on their left arms, as they ate with their right hands. (If they were right-handed, of course.)

As you pray today, ask those praying to assume, if they can, that same on-the-floor-leaning position. It may be uncomfortable, but it will make this prayer time more meaningful.

After everyone is in position, lead a silent prayer time this way:

  • Ask those praying to close their eyes and imagine themselves in the upper room with Jesus. Verbally describe the setting: “On the table are the usual Passover foods—bitter herbs and a mixture of fruit, nuts, and spices. A lamb shank bone. A roasted egg. Jesus picks up a piece of unleavened bread and breaks it, holding it for a moment before saying that it now symbolizes His broken body. He raises and then passes around a cup of juice, saying it pictures His blood shed for others. Jesus has gone off-script, giving new meaning to the familiar bread and cup at the meal.”

Ask those praying to silently thank Jesus for giving His body and blood on the cross for them. Pause a few moments.

  • Continue the verbal picture: “Jesus looks both tired and intense, as though He’s tired but gathering His energy for what’s to come. He’s used this meal to show His disciples He wants them to love and serve one another. He reminds them of that.”
  • Ask those praying to silently ask Jesus how He wants them to love and serve others. Pause a few moments.
  • Continue: “Jesus tells His disciples He’s leaving them, but that He’ll send the Holy Spirit to them. He lets His followers know they aren’t being forgotten—they’re not alone.”
  • Ask those praying to thank Jesus for giving them that same promise: He is with them. They aren’t alone. If they believe in Jesus and make Him their Lord, they’ll enter into an eternity where they’ll be with Him forever. Pause a few moments and then thank Jesus for all that comes with the new covenant: forgiveness and eternal life.
  • Finish by saying, “In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

A new covenant is in place. Thank God! It takes away the burden of constantly offering sacrifices as we fall short of living holy lives again and again. It clears a path to forgiveness through the sacrifice of Jesus and carries us into an eternity with God in Heaven.

Jesus reveals this in an upper room to a dozen men who can’t quite take it in. It rocked their world—and ours. There are so many people who need to hear about what happened so their worlds can be rocked and then rebuilt on the foundation of Christ Jesus.

Here are a few ideas for sharing what you’ve discovered about the new covenant:

  • Write a song about Jesus’ forgiveness and eternal life. Stuck? Try writing it to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” After all, Jesus was the Lamb who was sacrificed for our sin!
  • Using sidewalk chalk, write “Ask about the best deal ever!” on the sidewalk outside your home. Chalk an arrow pointing to your front door. Be ready to tell anyone who knocks about Jesus and the new covenant.
  • Tell a friend you’ve discovered something wonderful and then share what you’ve learned in this episode. Ask if your friend has any questions. If you can’t answer a question, tell your friend that you’ll find someone who can. Then do so!
  • Snap a pencil in half and challenge a friend to make the pencil better than ever. Nothing will work: Not glue, tape, or splints. Then give your friend a new pencil and quickly explain the difference between the old and new covenants in the Bible. Ask your friend if he’d prefer to have a pencil that has to keep being fixed or one that’s new all the time. And when it comes to being forgiven for sins, would he rather make lots of animal sacrifices or let Jesus take care of it for him?

Use the hashtag #GodInAction so we can see how you’re sharing the good news of the new covenant!