: a pledge; a binding agreement between two parties
Old covenants. New covenants. It all begins to sound a bit complicated and boring. But the truth is that shifting from the old to the new was a shift toward new life in Jesus. And it took nothing less than Jesus dying on a cross and then rising from the dead to make that happen.
Today we’ll GET INTO the Lord’s Supper—Jesus’ last Passover meal on earth. After the video, we’ll TALK IT UP and ACT IT OUT, exploring how we’re a part of the new covenant Jesus described at that Passover meal—and what that means for us.
So get comfortable and watch “The Lord’s Supper.” It’s a meal you’ll never forget!
In today’s video, Jesus shares with His disciples—and us—a new covenant. Use these questions to TALK IT UP and dig into what Jesus tells us about that covenant through God’s Word:
The fact that Jesus establishes a way for His followers to remember the new covenant and what He did for us on the cross shows just how well He knows us. We’re creatures who are easily distracted and quick to forget.
Missed birthday greetings, overlooked dentist appointments, school papers ignored until the night before they’re due. We all have those stories. So Jesus takes something common—eating and drinking—and links it to an event that should be unforgettable.
At that Passover meal, Jesus set into motion a series of events that ends with His death and resurrection. The results? A new covenant with God. Jesus pays for our sins and makes a way for us to have eternal life with Him.
You might think something that spectacular would never be far from our minds, but it’s easy to lose focus. As we hurry through our days and weeks, we forget. Not until something snags our attention, do we recall what Jesus has done—and is doing?
Let’s create a few attention snaggers to jog our memories! Do 1 (or more) of the following:
Not that we were there to check the furniture, but it’s likely the table Jesus and His disciples gathered around in the upper room wasn’t like the one in your kitchen or dining room. It was probably a long, low table that people sat around either seated on cushions or lying on their left side, leaning on their left arms, as they ate with their right hands. (If they were right-handed, of course.)
As you pray today, ask those praying to assume, if they can, that same on-the-floor-leaning position. It may be uncomfortable, but it will make this prayer time more meaningful.
After everyone is in position, lead a silent prayer time this way:
Ask those praying to silently thank Jesus for giving His body and blood on the cross for them. Pause a few moments.
A new covenant is in place. Thank God! It takes away the burden of constantly offering sacrifices as we fall short of living holy lives again and again. It clears a path to forgiveness through the sacrifice of Jesus and carries us into an eternity with God in Heaven.
Jesus reveals this in an upper room to a dozen men who can’t quite take it in. It rocked their world—and ours. There are so many people who need to hear about what happened so their worlds can be rocked and then rebuilt on the foundation of Christ Jesus.
Here are a few ideas for sharing what you’ve discovered about the new covenant:
Use the hashtag #GodInAction so we can see how you’re sharing the good news of the new covenant!