To allow our staff to fully celebrate the Christmas season with family and friends, the David C Cook and Integrity Music offices will be closed end of business on Friday, December 23rd and reopening on Tuesday, January 3rd. All orders received after December 19th will begin shipping the week of January 3rd, 2023.

We are currently experiencing sign in issues. We are currently resolving the issue. Thank you for your patience.

Frequently Asked Questions


Beginning April 5th, 2022, David C Cook updated its support plans and benefits. This change may affect what is available to your ministry.

Both Church Support Basic and Support Plus have been combined as Church Support (Free), or simply Church Support.

Church Support  has all the benefits of the previous plans except for digital curriculum access.

A new level of support, Support Pro, has been added for digital curriculum access with additional benefits. See the My Benefits page for a full description of the new benefit levels.

If you were previously a Support+ member, you may regain digital curriculum access under the new Support Pro by enrolling today.

To take advantage of the additional resources available to Support Pro members, two steps are required:

  1. Your registration must be associated with a David C Cook account in good standing.
  2. Your ministry will enroll in Support Pro. There’s a small annual fee that covers all your volunteers.

First, go to the My Benefits page.

On the right side of the page, your current support level is shown in red. If you are eligible to enroll on Support Pro, there will be a Learn More > link right below the status message. You’re ready to upgrade your team to Support Pro.

If the message says to contact your Ministry Consultant, then your registration must be linked to a valid David C Cook account first. Find you consultant using the link at the bottom of this page.

To find the correct account number and zip code to use, see the examples below.  (Click to enlarge)

The information included on a shipment packing slip (not shown) may have a different account number as a church can have several ship-to accounts.

We encourage others in your ministry to register for Church Support. If you have a David C Cook account,  share your billing account number and billing zip code so  they include that in their registration.

Don’t worry though, your volunteers will not be able to order any products on this site. The information is only needed to associate their registration with your ministry. If you enroll in Support Pro, they will be included in the Support Pro benefits.

Permission of Use

Each downloaded file from this website is intended for your personal ministry use only. You have permission to:

  • post or livestream teaching based on these materials on a closed† church-owned website
  • post or livestream teaching based on these materials on a closed† Facebook group administered by a member of your church staff
  • post or livestream curriculum videos on a church-owned website, on a closed† Facebook group, or on a closed† YouTube channel
  • send these materials via email to your staff, volunteers, and families with a notice that they can be used for personal noncommercial purposes only, and a link to the EULA (below)

Expiration of Posting

Permission to post on the aforementioned media services expires as listed below. The free content must be pulled down from the posted locations on or before the expiration date and may no longer be shared.

    • Spring 2022 videos, lessons, and resources expire Aug 31, 2022.
    • Summer 2022 videos, lessons, and resources expire Nov 30, 2022.

If your planned curriculum use necessitates an extension beyond the posting expiration dates listed above, please submit a request to our permissions team. They will respond with an extension for any reasonable period.

End User License Agreement (EULA)

The product is protected by copyright laws and is subject to our End User License Agreement at EULA. Additional restrictions may apply. Downloadable/digital products cannot be returned, sold, or relicensed. The product’s text and artwork may not be extracted and/or reused in other materials without the express written permission of David C Cook.

† A closed website, Facebook page, or YouTube channel is one that requires a password for entry and is not freely accessible by the general public.

Digital Curriculum

Digital curriculum and resources become available each quarter following this schedule:

QuarterAvailable Beginning
FallAugust 1st
WinterNovember 1st
SpringFebruary 1st
SummerMay 1st


Beginning April 5th, 2022, David C Cook made a change in support plans that affect all of our curriculum accounts. To access digital curriculum:

  1. Your ministry must be enrolled in Support Pro.
  2. A minimum purchase requirement of $50.00 (USD) of a specific brand/age level of curriculum for the related quarter.

For complete details, see the MY BENEFITS page.

The items purchased can be an assortment of teacher materials and student materials of the same brand and age level to count towards that minimum.

Please allow 24 hours from the time you purchase curriculum for the current quarter for the download link to appear on the digital curriculum page—our systems process the entitlements overnight.

If you feel you have met the minimum purchase requirement for the current quarter and the download link does not appear on the digital curriculum page, please contact your ministry consultant to validate your purchase or use the chat feature on this page.

Order your curriculum from the David C Cook Shop and choose digital download instead of print. Your digital purchases will still qualify for support access to this site.


Think of a ZIP file as a single file cabinet with many files and folders stored inside.

Many of the resources from David C Cook include more than one file. Digital curriculum bundles may include as many as 80 to 100 files and some videos.

Packaging all the files into a single download is the most efficient way to transfer them from our website to your device where they can then be extracted back into the many files and folders for your use. All modern computers can open and expand ZIP files.

Mobile devices will need a helper application (usually free) to open ZIP files. See the 3rd help topic in this section for an explanation.

Many of the resources David C Cook delivers to you are collections of multiple files and media in a single download package, or ZIP file. To use the individual files on your computer after downloading, you will click or double-click the filename to open and reveal the files contained inside. To watch, click the video image below or copy this direct link to send the video to an associate: HTTPS://VIMEO.COM/444342416

This video demonstrates the installation of an UnZip helper application on an iPhone and successfully downloading a .ZIP compressed file for use in the classroom. The process is the same for an iPad and similar for any Android device.

To watch, click the video image below or copy this direct link to send the video to an associate:

In rare cases, a Windows PC may no longer have a program registered to open ZIP compressed files. The following video demonstrates how to register Windows File Explorer as the default program to open ZIP files.

To watch, click the video image below or copy this direct link to send the video to an associate:

Need help?

If you have questions surrounding the information on this page, please contact your Ministry Consultant, use our Live Chat, or submit a help request here.