Episode 1
UNIT 1 • Relationships
Ephesians 2:10

Parents! This week open your Bibles and GET INTO Ephesians 2:10. This Scripture is all about how God made us His  MASTERPIECE  and how He has  CREATED  us anew in Christ Jesus to  DO  the  GOOD  things He has planned for us. 

So gather your family, cue up the video and … GET INTO IT 

After the video remind your family that this week you will be TALKING IT UP and looking for ways to ACT IT OUT together. Challenge one another to find an example of a MASTERPIECE, take time to CREATE something fun related to Ephesians 2:10, DO something for someone else, and keep an eye out for other people who are doing something GOOD too.

Watch this worship video together and sing along with SARAH KROGER as you praise God! Keep singing these songs all throughout the week–you can download the lyrics to “Right Here, Right Now” here.

As you TALK IT UP this week, keep track of any ideas that your family has for how you can ACT OUT the truths of Ephesians 2:10. Be sure to TALK IT UPWARDS too! Pray together and ask God to help your family understand His Word and ACT IT OUT. 

Here are 5 quick questions that will help you launch fun family talks about Ephesians 2:10.

Day 1

Where do you see a MASTERPIECE around you? Is it a rainbow, the perfect potato chip, another person? What’s your MASTERPIECE and why did you pick it?

Day 2

Since we’re each a MASTERPIECE God CREATED, let’s appreciate His good work. What’s something God did really well when He made each person in our family?

Day 3

What are 3 things you DO every day that are incredibly important to you? (And breathing doesn’t count!)

Day 4

What will you DO today to CREATE something GOOD that pleases God? (Hint: If you can’t think of anything, ask God for help!)

Day 5

Instant action! What’s something GOOD we can DO to put God’s Word into action RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW?

Do a deep dive into the Ephesians 2:10 keywords with these definitions and quick questions!

Then, as a family, do 1—or more—of those ideas. Maybe you can’t eliminate all plastic waste in the oceans, but you can walk around the neighborhood and pick up plastic to recycle. Ask God for help as you DO a GOOD thing (or 2! or 3!) for Him!

These questions will help your family connect keywords back to Ephesians 2:10. Use all the questions or pick 1or 2—it’s up to you!
  • Based on what we’ve discovered about how we’re all God’s MASTERPIECES, how do we treat our family and others differently? Or do we?
  • What is the relationship between being a MASTERPIECE and being CREATED by God anew (again) in Jesus? Who can you share this with?
  • How does being God’s MASTERPIECE affect how or why we DO GOOD things?
  • Think about the GOOD things your family plans to DO. How will they share God with others?

When we share what God’s doing in and through us, it can encourage others!

Tell someone what your family did to put Ephesians 2:10 into action. Share your pictures, videos, and stories with others on social media using the hashtag #righthererightnow to encourage and inspire other families!