Episode 12
Unit 3 • Faith in Action
Colossians 3:17

This week your family will GET INTO Colossians 3:17. You’ll be reminded that no matter what you DO and SAY, you’re a REPRESENTATIVE of Jesus—and you can GIVE THANKS for that!

So, gather your family, start streaming the video, and … GET INTO IT.

After the video remind your family that this week you’ll TALK IT UP and then ACT IT OUT together. You’ll find ways your family can find joy as you REPRESENT Jesus.

Watch this worship video as a family and sing along with Mr. Andy and Sadie. Add these songs to the soundtrack of your week! You can get the lyrics HERE.

As you TALK IT UP this week, keep track of ideas your family has for ways to ACT OUT the truth of Colossians 3:17. And TALK IT UPWARDS by praying together. Ask God to transform your hearts so you become better at speaking up for Jesus and living as His REPRESENTATIVES.

Here are 5 quick questions to help you launch fun family talks about Colossians 3:17!


What’s something you DO regularly that’s especially meaningful to you? Why does it matter so much?


SAY something—in song! Sing a few lines of any song—it can be one you make up!—that helps you SAY a truth about Jesus.


If you could pick one person from your family to be your REPRESENTATIVE at the Olympics, who would you pick and for what Olympic event? (Note: It’s OK to create a new event!)


Who’s the most GIVING person you know or know about? Why do you think that person is so generous?


What does saying “THANKS” look and sound like when you’re sincerely grateful?

This week TALK UP the keywords from Colossians 3:17. But keep it simple—just pick 1 word per day!

Keep track of your family’s suggestions for ways to REPRESENT Jesus in the world. As a family, pick 1—or more!—of those ideas and ACT IT OUT!

These questions will help your family connect keywords back to Colossians 3:17. Answer all the questions or pick just 1 or 2—whatever works for your family!
  • What’s something meaningful you can DO for someone that will help them know you’re a REPRESENTATIVE of Jesus?
  • What’s something you can SAY right now to a family member that would show you’re REPRESENTING Jesus?
  • You’re REPRESENTING Jesus, so SAY something you’ve heard Jesus SAY (something you’ve read in the Bible) that’s timely for the world today.
  • Tell about a time you were GIVING a gift, but you realized the person getting it didn’t really want it. What was the gift? How is that like telling someone about Jesus when the person isn’t interested?
  • Why is saying “THANKS!” important to people—and to God?
  • How might what you discovered in Colossians 3:17 change how you REPRESENT Jesus to our family and to our neighbors?

Tell someone what your family did to put Colossians 3:17 into action. If you use social media, include a photo or video clip, using the hashtag #righthererightnow, and encourage other families as they represent Jesus before others.

To allow our staff to fully celebrate the Christmas season with family and friends, the David C Cook offices will be closed beginning end of business day on Tuesday, December 24th and reopening on Thursday, January 2nd. All orders received after December 19th will begin shipping after we reopen on January 2nd, 2025.